Sales Page | Heart of Consensus Video
Get Your Group on the Same Page:
the Heart of Consensus in Just 3 Simple Steps
Is your community discouraged with
how your consensus decision-making is going?
Are you struggling, overwhelmed with too much conflict?
I am excited to have distilled the important parts of consensus down to three simple steps that are the Heart of Consensus!
Three steps to take in the beginning, middle and end of a meeting that will steer the course back onto the road of consensus.
No need for more training, or more discussion, or more new ideas.
Just three places where you can get your group on the same page and in action.
All found in one video!
This video is for communities who use consensus, who:
- Feel stuck in a gridlock of people refusing to budge from their position or listen to other’s ideas or
- Want to tweak their consensus process to be more satisfying and productive.
In this video, you will discover ways to have your community:
Improve connection and presence your common values
transition to a collaborative world with curiosity and discovery
move beyond a dissent to community agreement.
Three simple steps to improve your community’s:
🎉 Sense of accomplishment
🎉 Morale
🎉 Collaboration
🎉 Productive results and celebration!

Martie Weatherly, Your Consensus and Process Coach
I am excited to share the cream of my 25 years of experience with facilitation and consensus in cohousing communities.
As your cheerleader and champion, I will ask more questions than give answers to help you discover creative solutions.
I am a graduate of CoachU and have helped people from mothers to businessmen move ahead beyond their wildest dreams. As a registered nurse for many years, my passions are health, well-being, vitality, and community.
Besides coaching, I love reading and music and spending time with my family.
With this video, I take you right to the Heart of Consensus and will optimize your consensus process, make if more efficient, effective, seamless, stronger and maximize your productivity.
The video is available for
only $147!
Buy Heart of Consensus Now!